Síolta Accreditation

Delighted to receive our official Siolta Quality Framework Certificate from the Department of Education and Skills today. It was a 3 year journey to get to here but 10 years in the making for Ulla Beag! Even more delighted that we received an overall rating of 4 – comprehensive evidence of quality within our setting! This is the result of a great team, great support from the parents of the children who come to us and substantiates that learning through play works for the holistic development of our children. Another great milestone for us and many more to come. Thanks to all Denise.







4th Green flag collection

Representatives from our afterschool group collected our 4th Green Flag at An Taisce’s Green Flag Awards program yesterday in Galway. We move on now to our 5th flag focusing on Biodiversity.
4th green flag collection with Roisin

Bookings update 2018

2018-2020 ECCE full. We are taking bookings for 2019-2021 now. Afterschool full until 2022. Easter,Summer& Halloween camps for 2018 now full. Toddler mornings some availability for 2 -3 year olds from Sept 2019.
Contact denisejoannasheridan@gmail.com with any queries.

Affordable Childcare CCSU

3.3 Universal Subsidy (CCSU)

3.3.1 Overview of Universal Subsidy As part of the Government policy to make childcare more affordable, the DCYA has introduced a universal childcare subvention payment of up to €20 per week for families using eligible childcare providers for the care of children aged from 6 months to the first eligible point of entry to the ECCE scheme. This scheme is administered via an enhancement to the CCS scheme.

3.3.2 Eligibility for the Universal Subsidy The childcare subsidy is available to all children aged from 6 months to the first eligible point of entry to the ECCE programme.

3.3.3 Required documents The parent must provide the child’s PPS Number and date of birth as well as the parent’s PPS Number. Documentation containing PPSN information must be destroyed once no longer required.

3.3.4 Programme Rates The maximum weekly universal childcare subsidy is €20. As CCS subsidies are currently paid according to session type, i.e. full-time, part-time, sessional, half-sessional, this maximum weekly universal subsidy rate of €20 will be paid on a pro-rata basis according to session type.

3.3.5 CCSU and Child-minders A child-minder can access CCSU provided they meet all CCS Plus eligibility criteria, and are registered with Tusla. (Please note that a childminder must be minding four or more children to qualify for Tusla registration).

3.3.6 Child absenteeism When a child who is entered on PIP for the CCS Plus Programme for 2017/2018 leaves the service or has not attended the service for two consecutive weeks, this information must be entered on PIP, stating the date the child last attended the service. Two weeks’ CCS Plus funding will be paid in lieu of notice.

Processing of CCS Plus Registrations takes approximately three to four weeks

Table 2 Universal Subsidy (CCSU) rates – per week rates
UCS Session Type Weekly Subsidy Full-time (i.e. 5 hours plus per day) Part-time (i.e. 3:31 to 5 hours per day) Sessional (i.e. 2:16 to 3:30 per day) Half-sessional (i.e. 1:15 to 2:15 per day)
€20 €10 €7 €3.50

Second National Innovation Award ECI Creativity in Learning 2016

2nd National Award 2016 Innovation in Creative Learning following on from Innovation in Environmental Awareness in 2014.Feedback from ECI :”
As a green school with a strong ethos on conservation, recycling, and holistic development Ulla Beag are always interested in promoting creative learning approaches. Two years ago they began a long term project to collaborate with local print media artist Lynn Kenny to integrate visual print media into their curriculum using a child centred approach. Through this process children had the opportunity to explore and develop their own creations as they experienced art disciplines such as painting, print making, various craft skills, and working with three dimensional form.

Using recycled and upcycled materials the children created their own toys and sculptures. More time was provided for Art activity as it was integrated throughout the curriculum. The provision of time and materials fostered greater creativity. As Lynn supported the children to display, discuss and review each other’s work they learnt from each other. Group projects emerged and evolved from the children’s interests or enquiries. One of their group projects on keeping our beaches clean collage ( a message from the children to other children using recycled materials ; painting ; printing ; weaving has been fast-tracked straight through to the Irish finals in the selection of the Irish fisheries board “Something Fishy 2016” Poster completion. Their efforts were acknowledged and published by the Department of Education http://artsineducation.ie/en/project/ulla-beag/
How rewarding to know that the art fostered in his early years has the potential to grow within him and accompany him into adulthood as his lifelong passion and joy.”

CSSP – Community Subvention Scheme Private

April 2016. We are now approved to provide CSSP.The CCSP Programme supports disadvantaged parents and provides support for parents in low paid employment and training or education by enabling qualifying parents to avail of reduced childcare costs at participating private childcare services. For any queries please contact Denise @ denisejoannasheridan@gmail.com or 0857283333

ECCE Update : 2016

ECCE updates :thanks to all the response we are now full for ECCE year Sept 2016-June2017. We are still taking bookings for 2017-2018 and 2018 -2019 . Eligibility is based on the child’s date of birth as places fill quickly please contact Denise – denisejoannasheridan@gmail.com or 0857283333 with any queries.

Arts in Education : Ulla Beag Print Media

Delighted that we have been published on Art in Education Portal for our collaborative project with Lynn Kenny on the integration of art into our curriculum to create a more inclusive teaching and learning process. Detailed project can be found here : http://artsineducation.ie/en/
Art in Education

Easter Camp 2016

Easter Camp 2016 now booked out including morning art camps and Tuesday Yoga camps. Next camp bookings will be for July Summer Camp 2016. Contact Denise @ denisejoannasheridan@gmail.com for more information

2015 – Siolta & Aistear in Photos now up!

Snapshot of 2015