Green school presentation : Litter and Waste

Úlla Beag Green School Project – Litter and Waste
All attached is our final presentation for our Green Flag Application on the management of Waste and Litter. The inspection team were here today and the children had a great time showing them around outside and singing their Úlla Beag Code. Feedback very positive and flag will be awarded in May timeframe. We are the only pre & after school in Clare and one of the only ones in Ireland to successfully apply for the Green flag award so great result for us all.

Green Flag School Application

Green School :
We have now sent in our application and registration for our First Green Flag for Litter and Waste. Inspection is due to be scheduled before Christmas and more to come.
We have enhanced the committee to include two afterschool children and one preschool and we will be rotating the chair within the committee for preparation for our second flag on Light and Energy. More to come.

April 2010 :As communicated to all we are applying for Green Flag School Status for Úlla Beag. The Committee for 2010/2011 Litter and Waste has been agreed and is as follows :
Chair: Denise Sheridan
Garden Design & Parent: Elaine McKeogh
Garden Layout and Care taking : Anthony Sheridan
School Curriculum lead : Rhona Sheridan
School Arts & Crafts : Fiona Bourke & Judyta Dober.
Waste Management program : Nigel Mckenna
The Committee meets every 3 months with updates on all the programs.
Our application has been accepted and we are currently documenting all the work we did from Sept 2010 todate.
I will send an email out with our pack for everyone.
Parental support through Wellie Recycle program; Walk to school program; Recycle book scheme is greatly appreciated and please continue !!